Bar Nun Martini Monday

by Lynnie Lang
Bar Nun Martini Monday
Lynnie Lang
Digital Art - Digital Art
Meet Sister Mary Theresa, a shaken, not stirred, martini loving nun that won't miss a Martini Monday at her favorite corner bar. (shhh, don't tell) Sister is in full habit and I believe she has had one too many at this stage. A little cockeyed, a little untidy, but boy, can she tear it up! This black and white digital art print is available in small and large, along with other merchandise
The original is not available for sale, but you may purchase prints of this abstract painting as well as custom home decor and accessories at https://lynnie-lang.pixels.com. This painting is perfect for your home, office, gallery, hallway, ballroom, both commercial and domestic and is available in sizes from small to very large. We encourage interior designers to contact us about custom canvas art, custom pillows, poster art, custom tote bag, custom coffee mug, custom shower curtain, custom notebooks, pillows with art, tote bags with art, coffee cups with art.
Please visit my websites LynnieLangArt.com or LynnieLang.com. **Please note that none of my images belong to public domain and all are copyrighted by the artist, Lynnie Lang. All rights reserved. Copying, altering, displaying, distributing and/or selling any image without prior written consent from the artist is strictly prohibited
**ELITE SPECIAL FEATURE** Nominated by your fellow artists The Art District 11 March, 2023
January 5th, 2023